
May 23, 2013

Sexy poster debuts for 'Chastity Bites'

I'm a day or so late on this one (the new job is kicking my ass haha!), but it's too cool not to share. It's the new poster for the upcoming flick, Chastity Bites, and it's from the quite terrific Nathan Thomas Milliner. If you haven't seen any of his previous work (HorrorHound, Scream! Factory etc) you must have been living under a rock! The film will have its World Premiere on June 1st at the Dance with Films festival in Hollywood. Read on for more info and the teaser trailer.

Victor Crowley gets all up in your grill, in the theatrical poster for 'Hatchet III'

The first Hatchet flick, I will admit to enjoying quite a bit. It was good honest splattery fun. The sequel, however, pissed me right off. Aside from the wonderful gore, and a couple wink, wink, nudge, nudge moments, it really wasn't very good. Plus, I stayed up til midnight and paid $10 for the privilege of watching it. Ah well. Despite this, I am eager to see what BJ McDonnell, who takes over the directing reins, comes up with in Hatchet 3. The film hits theaters and VOD on June 14th, and as you can see it has a shiny new poster!

May 21, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Selim Lemouchi & His Enemies: Mens Animvs Corpvs'

Selim Lemouchi & His Enemies - MENS ANIMVS CORPVS

Van Records

Review by Wayne Simmons

When Dutch occult rockers, The Devil’s Blood, called it a day in January 2013, fans were devastated. This was a band in their prime, big things ahead of them what with Ghost BC hitting the (relative) big time with a similarly accessible brand of Satanic Panic.