
April 5, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Kingdom: Morbid Priest of Supreme Blasphemy'

Kingdom – Morbid Priest of Supreme Blasphemy (2013)

Hellthrasher Productions

Review by Jude Felton

The beast that is death metal is certainly not, even though its name might suggest, ever going to shuffle off this mortal coil. Having festered battered and, most importantly, evolved over the past few decades, the genre has never seemingly been more popular. Back when I first discovered the likes of Death and Morbid Angel back in the 80s I had the choice of about three death metal albums to listen to, in its formative years. Now, the choice is almost endless.

April 4, 2013

Filthy Music Review - 'Acolyte: Alta'

Acolyte – Alta (2013)


Review by Jude Felton

It has been said, especially if you are in England, that it is grim up north. However, I beg to differ, especially in the case of Manchester band, Acolyte. If their debut album Alta, which comes after their 2011 EP Leng, is anything to go by then their future is very bright indeed. Well, as bright as the world can be in the realms of black metal. Alta is a dark tortuous journey that will take you in many different directions; all of which combine to make a rather incredible album.

April 3, 2013

Filthy Giveaway - 'DeadBall' Blu-ray - Closed

Get ready to go mental mental chicken Oriental on April 9th, as that's the day that Well Go USA release DeadBall. The latest in their line of Sushi Typhoon movies, which already tells you that you're in for some batshit action, is directed by Yuji Shimomura and I am happy to tell you that I have a copy of the Blu-ray to give away.

Release details and trailer for 'Errors of the Human Body'

Now that's one hell of a funky poster. It's simple, yet effective, and is for the upcoming release of Errors of the Human Body. The film, which stars Michael Eklund and is directed by Eron Sheean, is set to open at theaters, VOD, SundanceNOW and Digital on April 19th. You can check out the trailer, which debuted on Hulu, after the break.

April 2, 2013

'Tai Chi Hero' coming to theaters later this month from Well Go USA

If you enjoyed Tai Chi Zero, as I did (review), you'll be happy to hear that the sequel, Tai Chi Hero, will be released on April 26th on a limited theatrical release from Well Go USA. The film is the second part in a proposed trilogy, and if the first is anything to go by, should be great fun. More details below, including theater list.

Filthy Review - 'Room 237'

Room 237 (2012)

Review by Jude Felton

When it comes to film adaptations of Stephen King stories I personally tend to keep them separated. It doesn’t matter how good the film is, it is incredibly difficult to translate King’s style to film. That’s not to say that there have been some wonderful movies of his works, because there have been many in my opinion. So, I tend to judge the film on its own merits, and not as an adaptation.

The Hudson Horror Show is back for its 7th show!

Just in case you didn't know, the Hudson Horror Show is back. Well, it will be on June 8th at the Silver Cinemas, South Hills Mall in Poughkeepsie, NY, and I will be there. HHS6 was a blast, and I got to hang out with Doc Terror and the Man LaLiberty. As you can see from the above poster, 4 of the films to be show in 35mm have been announced. There's one more to come, and they are keeping it a secret! Anyhoo, it's a great day out, so get your tickets and I'll see you there. Full details below.

'Jungle Rot' debut new video for 'Terror Regime'

Midwest death machine, Jungle Rot, have just unleashed the promo video to the title track of their new album, Terror Regime. Without sounding too cliched, it is brutal and you can check out my review of the album here. As well as this, Jungle Rot are heading out on tour, starting this thursday, with Suffocation and Exhumed, on the Despise the World tour. And yes, I will be there on the Philly date this saturday; hell yes! You can check out the new video and complete tour date listings below.

March 31, 2013

Filthy review - 'Stitches'

Stitches (2012)

Review by Jude Felton

It seems to me that every other week I am watching or reviewing a clown-related horror flick. This is no bad thing though as, let’s face it, clowns kick ass. Maybe it’s the hidden dark side behind the face paint, the silent anguish of a misunderstood and unloved person. Or maybe it’s just it’s cool as hell to see the multi-colored bastards hack people up?