
January 5, 2013

Filthy Review - 'Crawlspace'

Crawlspace (2012)

Review by Jude Felton

Australia isn’t the most prolific country when it comes to genre cinema, although it has given us some absolute beauties. The Loved Ones, The Snowtown Murders, The Horseman and the batshit short, Axed, are just a few that have impressed me over the last couple of years or so, and now we have Crawlspace from director Justin Dix. This was a film that I was quite eager to see, as I had been impressed by what I had read about it. Maybe it is because of this that I came away from it feeling a little underwhelmed.

Filthy and Blasphemous Review - 'Cross Bearer'

Cross Bearer (2012)

Review by Jude Felton

The slasher film might have had its heyday back in the 80s, on the back of successes of such films as Friday the 13th and Halloween, but they never really went away. There will always be a new one, just lurking around the corner, ready to carve up its victims and flash a little tit if needed. In recent years we’ve had Sweatshop, The Orphan Killer, The Sleeper and the Laid to Rest flicks, to name but a few, that have entered the slasher arena. Now there’s a new puppy on the scene, and this is a goddamned Rottweiler. In The Avengers, Thor asks if he should bring the hammer down, in Cross Bearer it is brought down repeatedly, with itty bitty bits of brain attached to it. Yep, it’s that sort of film.

January 3, 2013

Filthy Review - 'The Possession'

The Possession (2012)

Review by Jude Felton

PG-13 horror is a strange old beast, it really is. I don’t have anything against genre films with this rating, in fact there have been many excellent examples over the years; Poltergeist and Insidious to name but too. More often than not though, horror films that receive this rating are studio affairs in which the aim is to get bums on seats, and PG-13 rated movies open the doors to the young teen crowd who will throw down their parent’s cash. What grinds my gears is when the film, such is the case with The Possession, where it was either planned as an R rated movie or received an R rating and was then edited down to get the lighter rating. It is an intriguing subject though whichever way you want to look at it.

Q&A with 'Cell Count' Director Todd E. Freeman

Last year I had the pleasure of watching the independent horror flick, Cell Count, and was thoroughly impressed with it. You can read my review of the film here. At the time the movie was playing festivals the world over, but has just hit the VOD and Digital circuit. This gave me the opportunity to shoot director/co-writer, Todd E. Freeman, a few questions about not only Cell Count, but also The Weather Outside, Wake Before I Die and Cell Count 2, among other things. Oh, and I also have an exclusive storyboard still from Cell Count 2 to share with you, that Todd kindly sent my way. Hope you enjoy the interview, and check out Cell Count when you can!

'Mimesis' coming to Blu-ray and DVD

Heading to Blu-ray and DVD from Anchor Bay on February 12th is Mimesis, from director Douglas Schultz. The film stars Sid Haig and Courtney Gains, as well as featuring a cameo from Bill Hinzman, and is about a group of horror fans that attend a special screening, only to find themselves deep in the heart of the action. Looks like it could be a good time to me.

Filthy Giveaway - 'Kotoko' Blu-ray - Closed

2012, for me, was a fine year for me, with many wonderful releases. Top of the pile though was Kotoko, which saw its UK release in 2012, from director Shin'ya Tsukamoto. It's an absolutely stunning film that blew me away. You can read my review here. As of right now Kotoko does not have a US release, but in the UK the terrific Third Window Films put it out on Blu-ray and DVD, and it is another in a long line of great releases, which include films such as Cold Fish, Himizu and Love Exposure. Now, thanks to the fine folk at Third Window Films you have the chance to see what I have been rattling on about, as I have a copy of Kotoko on Blu-ray for one lucky reader!

January 2, 2013

'The Last Exorcism Part II' poster contorts online

Despite the fact that this film proves that the previous one was not indeed the last exorcism, the sequel has a new poster that cleverly informs us that it is the second movie. The first film seemed to divide audiences, with some loving it and others hating it, with me being on the side of those that enjoyed it. The ending seemed to offend most people, but I thought it was quite entertaining. Directed by Ed Gass-Donnelly and starrign ashley Bell, The Last Exorcism Part II hits theaters on March 1st.

Filthy Review - 'The Bad Seed'

The Bad Seed (1956)

Review by Jude Felton

As much as I would like to, there are always going to be films that for one reason or another I have never had the chance to see. I’d love to be able to say that I have seen every movie ever made, but it just isn’t going to happen, so I just do my best to catch up with them as best I can. One such film is the 1956 thriller, The Bad Seed, a movie which pre-dates the killer child sub-genre by decades. Hell, this is pushing 60 years old, so I can only imagine the response to it upon its initial release.

January 1, 2013

Filthy Review - 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days'

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (2012)

Review by Jude Felton

With three movies in as many years, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid franchise shows no sign of slowing down. The movies are based on the books by Jeff Kinney and, whilst I have not read any of them, I know that there are seven in the series so far, so I am guessing that there will be more films further down the line. The main reason for this is that kids seem to love them! My eldest son, who is 7, is a big fan of them, and these films are among a short list that he will sit though; which is saying quite a bit, seeing that he has the attention span of a Goldfish. I jest not. The Wimpy Kid movies just strike a nerve with him, and I can see why. Whilst aimed squarely at the kids, these can quite easily be enjoyed by adults as well.

December 31, 2012

Filthy Review - 'The Thompsons'

The Thompsons (2012)

Review by Jude Felton

Back in 2006 a subtle and disturbing vampire flick was made by The Butcher Brothers. The film hit theaters as part of the After Dark Horrorfest, of which I managed to catch a few on the big screen. The Hamiltons was something a little different to other vampire movies; was it even a vampire flick? The titular family needed to feed, on blood of course, but it was always referred to as the disease, and many other traditional aspects of vampirism were distinctly absent. Regardless, it was a good movie and a solid calling card from the directing partnership.