
June 23, 2012

'The Victim' to finally hit the UK

With MVM having only just released director Monthon Arayangkoon's The House in the UK on DVD, they are now gearing up to release the director's earlier movie The Victim. It will street on August 6th and stars Pitchanart Sakakorn, Apasiri Nitibhon and Kiradej Ketakinta. The Victim was originally released in 2006 in Thailand, but this is it's first release in the UK, and shouldn't be confused with the upcoming Michael Biehn flick of the same name. Check below for a selection of stills, synopsis and the original English subbed trailer.

IFC to release 'Rites of Spring'

I have to say the artwork for IFC's latest acquisition, Rites of Spring, is suitably striking. The film opens theatrically, digitally and on IFC Midnight Cable VOD on July 27th, and is about the kidnapping of the daughter of a wealthy socialite. Rites of Spring is directed by Padraig Reynolds.

'Dredd' - New Trailer debuts

Judgment is indeed coming, and in REAL 3D no, this September. The new film adaptation of the Judge Dredd character, here simply known as Dredd, has a new trailer to go along with the poster (above) and stills I previously shared with you here.

Woody Allen's 'To Rome With Love' - New Stills

Woody Allen's latest movie, To Rome with Love' opened in LA and New York on June 22nd, and I have a few new stills to share with you. As you might expect, there is an ensemble cast in this movie that is about the lives and loves of a group of people in Italy.

June 21, 2012

Filthy Review - Franklin & Bash Season 1

Franklin & Bash – Season 1 DVD (2012)

Review by Jude Felton

When it comes to shows on television there aren’t all that many that I watch on a regular basis. The main reason being is that the good stuff tends to be on in the evenings and I just don’t get the chance, due to work. Hey, we have to pay the bills right? So, chances are I might catch an episode here or there, but alas I rarely get to follow a season all the way through on TV. Fortunately there is always the chance to catch-up on shows with the blessed release on the entire season of a show on Blu-ray or DVD, which also has the added bonus of being commercial-free.

June 19, 2012

'V/H/S' Poster and Red Band Trailer

Hitting VOD on August 31st and theaters on October 5th, from Magnolia, is this rather intriguing  and brutal looking anthology. I'm excited to see it and have the Red Band trailer to share with you good folks. V/H/S is directed by Adam Wingard, David Bruckner, Ti West, Glenn McQuaid, Joe Swanberg and the mysterious sounding Radio Silence.

June 17, 2012

Filthy Review - The Rise and Fall of a White Collar Hooligan

The Rise and Fall of a White Collar Hooligan (2012)

Review by Jude Felton

Football isn’t a matter of life and death, it’s more important than that.  That’s a quote taken from this English crime flick, and it’s also a phrase I have grown up knowing. Football, or soccer to my American brethren, is an all-consuming passion; if your team wins you feel on top of the world, and if they lose it feels as though the world has ended. It isn’t something that can easily be explained, you either get it or you don’t. This is the world that Mike Jacobs lives in, and it’s about to be shaken up.

Filthy Review - Exit Humanity

Exit Humanity (2011)

Review by Jude Felton

Exit Humanity is the latest film that I have seen that heralds from Canada. It is also made by a lot of the same crew that made Monster Brawl but, aside from both having at least one zombie in each film, they could not be further apart as movies. Well, I guess they could, however for the sake of this review they couldn’t be further apart. Whereas Monster Brawl played the majority of its running time for laughs, Exit Humanity is an extremely serious and somber piece, which works for and against this undead epic.