
April 7, 2012

Filthy Review - The Beyond

The Beyond (1981)

Review by Jude Felton

As a teenager the horror films of Lucio Fulci, such as Zombie, House by the Cemetery and The Beyond became something in the vein of a Holy Grail quest. They were mentioned in various magazines as some of the goriest movies out there, and of course they weren’t easy to find. Eventually I got around to seeing them, as well as picking up the Vipco release, which incidentally came with some of the worst, or laziest, cover art ever. Still, it’s the movie that counts and quite frankly The Beyond is a class act.

Danielle Harris directs the kills in Among Friends

Danielle Harris has really made a name for herself as one of the few legitimate modern day Scream Queens. Starring in movies like Hatchet 2, Stakeland, Halloween and The Victim, she has now turned her attention to directing (don't worry she still has plenty of acting roles), with her debut movie entitled Among Friends. She has assembled a cool looking cast too, with the likes of Kane Hodder, AJ Bowen and Jennifer Blanc all featuring.

God Bless America - Red Band Trailer and Release Details

Am sure you all remember Zed, from the Police Academy movies, don't you? Well, Bobcat Goldthwaith, who played that character, is directing now, and his latest movie is God Bless America and it is available on VOD (in the States) right now. The film will also have a theatrical run starting May 11th, for those that want to try and catch it on the big screen. To coincide with the VOD release I thought I would share the red band trailer. You have been warned.

April 6, 2012

Stoner comedy High School to hit theaters in June


Coming to theaters on June 1 from Anchor Bay is the stoner comedy High School. Starring Adrien Brody, Colin Hanks, Matt Bush, Sean Marquette and Michael Chiklis, the plot is about a Principal's plans to expel any student that fails a drug test. The answer? Get everyone stoned! Brody with corn-rows and tattoos, and Chiklis almost unrecognizable as the Principal, I would say it's time to bang down a stiff Lucy.....

New clip from Fatal Pictures' Familiar plus Festival Details

Fatal Pictures' Familiar is a truly wonderful short movie, you can check out my review here, and I know I am not alone in thinking this. So I am delighted to be able to share a new clip from it. The film is directed by Richard Powell and features another powerhouse performance from Robert Nolan.

April 5, 2012

Filthy Book Review - Flu

Flu (2010) by Wayne Simmons

Review by Jude Felton

It quite often takes me forever to get around to reading a novel, for no other reason than I just can’t always find the time. When I read I like to settle in for at least an hour and devour the book. So, when I do actually get around to reading a book it doesn’t usually take me very long. Point in case is author Wayne Simmons second novel Flu; I started it on a Monday and had it finished by Wednesday, and that was on down time at my paying job!

Connect the goddamn dots! Ministry DVD FIX lands next week

I do love me some Ministry. Their albums kick ass and live they are something else. I saw them in London a few years back and I am still mentally scarred by it! On April 10th Blackwood Entertainment and CAV Distribution will be unleashing the documentary FIX on the world, and I can't wait. More details below.

Yam Laranas' The Road - Creepy New Stills

The upcoming horror flick The Road, directed by Yam Laranas, is set for release on May 11th. Prior to that it will premiere in LA with none other than Manny Pacquiao as guest host. This is the first Filipino film to receive a mainstream U.S. release. You can check out some creepy new stills below!

Trailer, Posters and Stills from After Dark Action's Dragon Eyes and Transit

Earlier this week I posted news about the upcoming After Dark Action release of movies, which are set to hit theaters (you can read that article here). Now I have the trailer for the Jean Claude Van Damme flick Dragon Eyes, as well as poster and stills, and stills from Transit, which stars Jim Caviezel.

New Clips from the controversial Shame

With the controversial film Shame, from director Steve McQueen, all set to hit Blu-ray + DVD combo pack on April 17 from 20th Century Fox, I have a few clips to share with you. The clips are all taken from the special features that accompany the release, and you can check them out, along with the full synopsis, below.

Filthy Giveaway - Hellacious Acres (Closed)

It's been awhile, but I am happy to announce the latest Filthy Giveaway. I will be giving away one copy of Hellacious Acres, which is the latest in the Bloody Disgusting Selects series, so thanks go out to Vivendi, Bloody Disgusting Selects and The Collective for supplying the prize. So, what do you have to do to win?

UK Return of the Living Dead release update

I recently, well fairly recently, posted news about the upcoming UK release of Return of the Living Dead on Blu and DVD. You can check that article here as it lists all the extras and full release details. Well, not quite all of them...

April 4, 2012

War of the Dead hits the UK on DVD

Set to hit DVD in the UK on May 28th, from Momentum Pictures, is the zombie flick War of the Dead. Tagged as "Dog Soldiers meets Dead Snow" it pits Allied Soldiers against Nazi Zombies. Sounds like my cup of tea.

The Vow - Blu-ray and DVD release details

It's not all death, mayhem and violence here at the Lair. Once in awhile I do watch something that would probably fall into the category of "easy viewing", so to speak. The Vow, which stars Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams, is one such movie. I actually caught it at the theater with my wonderful wife, and really enjoyed it. Sure, it's a little cheesy, but it was well done. Now it is set to get a Blu-ray + DVD combo pack release from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment on May 8th.

Louie Season 2 set to hit Blu-ray and DVD

Louis C.K. is one funny man; the guy makes me laugh, a lot. Now, Season 2 of his show Louie is set for a Blu-ray and DVD release on June 19th. This release of the FX show will be from Twentieth Century Fox.

Act of Valor Blu-ray and DVD release details

Act of Valor will be hitting Blu-ray and DVD from Twentieth Century Fox on June 5th. The film, which was in the theaters not so long ago, features active duty Navy SEALS and is directed by Mike "Mouse" McCoy.

April 3, 2012

The Glades Season 2 DVD release details

Good news for fans of A&E's The Glades this summer, as the 4 Disc release of Season 2 hits DVD. Twentieth Century Fox will be releasing it on July 10th.

Get Ready For Schoolgirl Report Volume 8

Believe it or not, and you better, but I do like myself a little filth, here at the Lair. So, I am more than happy to share the details about the upcoming release, by Impulse Pictures, of Schoolgirl Report Volume 8: What Parents Must Never Know, on May 8th. Super sexy Germans from the 70's at the ready!

April 2, 2012

The Aggression Scale - Blu-ray and DVD Release Details

The Aggression Scale has been stirring up a name for itself after it screenings at the SXSW Festival, and now it is coming to Blu-ray and DVD from Anchor Bay Entertainment. The film stars Dana Ashbrook, Derek Mears and Ray Wise, and is directed by Steven C. Miller.

The ABC's of Death - Poster Revealed

The new poster for the anthology The ABC's of Death has been unleashed on the world, and quite frankly I think it is superb. The anthology itself comprises of 26 directors creating 26 different short films, each with a different letter of the alphabet to work with.

After Dark Action set to hit the Big Screens

We've had Horrorfest, 8 Films To Die For and After Dark Originals, now we will be getting After Dark Action. Dark Castle Home Entertainment and After Dark Films will be bringing 5 new actions flicks to theaters on May 11, starring the likes of Scott Adkins, Jean Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren. More details and still below, and you can also check out the After Dark Action Official Site.

April 1, 2012

The Divide - UK DVD release details

Director Xavier Gens apocalyptic thriller hits Blu-ray and DVD in the States on April 17th, and now I have news of the UK theatrical and DVD release. The film, which stars Michael Biehn, Lauren German, Rosanna Arquette and Milo Ventimiglia, hits UK theaters on April 20th with a DVD release to follow on May 14th from Momentum Pictures.

Filthy Review - The Killing Season 1

The Killing: Season 1 (2011)

Review by Jude Felton

Cop shows and the like are a dime-a-dozen, they all run to a formula, sometimes the formula fits all shows, and everything is neatly tied up by the end of the hour. It’s TV that is meant to be easily consumed with hopes that you will come back for more. I mean, why wouldn’t you? After all, you do not what you are going to get. I can honestly say that the last two TV shows that held my interest throughout their duration, and involved the police and/or a murder case, were Twin Peaks and Murder One (Season One). These were two vastly differing shows, yet they added something new to the game, and both aired in the 90’s.

Paddy Considine's Tyrannosaur released on DVD this week

Paddy Considine's powerhouse feature length directorial debut Tyrannosaur hits DVD this week (April 3rd) from Strand Releasing. You can read my review here and check out the release details and trailer below.

Ultra-Filthy Review - Father's Day

Father’s Day (2011)

Review by Jude Felton

If there is one thing that can be said about the movies of downtown Tromaville and Troma, it’s that more often than not they are quite unique. You aren’t going to see anything else like them, even when they went as close to the mainstream as they are ever likely to get with The Toxic Avenger. I’ve seen Troma flicks I love, and I have seen some that I downright loathe. The uniting factor though is that they are truly a one of a kind phenomenon.